Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation District
Community Partner
We choose our community partner, Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation District for their simplistic dedication to protecting and preserving Long Island’s environment. On their website, we found they focused directly on methods of improving Long Island’s water quality, and preserving its only aquifer by managing storm water runoff..
“Although Long Island is surrounded by water, one of its most fragile resources is its drinking water supplied by an underground aquifer.”
Murray: State Takes Steps to Address 1, 4-Dioxane Pollution." Long Island Business News, 2019.
Drinking Water: Environmental factors are an important issue for everyone across the globe because these issues if not taken action against will become an extremely significant problem in the future. We narrowed our topic down to drinking water, as we felt that was more important to the local communities on Long Island.
To create our solution, I worked in a group and we used research methods such as empirical studies, and interviews. These tools helped us develop the necessary prototyping tools like personas and empathy maps to solve Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation District social media marking problem.
UX Research.
Our group posted a survey on social media and sent it to friends and family who live in the community. The survey had a total of 68 surveyed participants and asked questions regarding the presentation of graphics as well as popularity of social media platforms, with the end goal of finding out how to engage the community more, with our community partner.
We made three personas based on our survey results and prior research. The personas are based off one of our community partner’s target audience: Millennials. The other persona will be based off the outreach staff members of Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation District.
Empathy Maps.
Each of our empathy maps relate to one of our personas and explain in detail what they say, think, do, and feel. The empathy maps allow us to get into our personas mindsets to accurately aim our solution.
The solution was to create tools to help create greater awareness online and in the future once the pandemic is over. This was split the online awareness into three parts; creating a greater social media presence, establishing a photo gallery, and creating new graphics.
Social Media Presence
Creating Graphics
Future Work
I continued on working with our community partner, Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation District as a UX Researcher/Content Manager. My top priority was ensuring that they could get their message across easily to homeowners as well as help generate a greater presence online. This allowed this nonprofit organization to increase its following by 25%.